Friday, December 30, 2011

BB's new mortal enemy


I mentioned in his 10 month post that he HATES sand. Today we went to the beach for the dad to swim and for us to play on the sand/go for a walk. Well, that didn't work out so well. Grandma had BB at first, and went to put him down. He pulled his legs up and started crying. And didn't stop for a long, long time. 

Once he finally calmed down, we put him in the little beach tent we got for Christmas. Usually, he does not stay still for any length of time. When there's sand around, however, he apparently does. He was sort-of interested in the tiny bits of sand that got on the mat on the ground, but even that he looked at strangely. I guess we'll have to keep trying, because there's no way that I'm living here and not going to the beach!

I don't know what this stuff is! I hate it!

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