Wednesday, December 28, 2011

10 month old Bad Baby!

With all the Christmas excitement, I forgot to post the monthly update! Luckily I did remember to take photos of BB on Christmas Day. Unfortunately there was just too much going on around him to sit still for any length of time. Seems to be a common occurrence these days. 

Things BB loves:
- the outdoors
- anything we don't want him to have (phones, remote controls, computer, etc)
- water bottles
- the big ball we got him for Christmas... I guess that means I'm the best mum ever

Things BB hates: 
- me shutting the door to the balcony so he can't go out there
- sand... seriously, I have never seen a child hate sand so much
- waiting for food
- lying still on the change mat for even one second

Things BB can do: 
- clap when we say 'clap!' (without us making the action. He is so super smart and advanced.)
- stand by himself for a couple of seconds (very occasionally)
- wake his mum and dad up several times a night
- throw his ball

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