Monday, December 5, 2011

Sleep is overrated - Updated

Bad Baby's recent badness:

Yesterday - woke up at 5:15am. Had one nap of 40 minutes and one nap of 35 minutes. Went to sleep at normal time of about 6:45pm. Had sixth sense of mother getting into bed at 10pm, so woke up crying. Awake until 11pm.

Today - woke up at 4:45am. Drank some milk, and decided whining was a lot more fun than going back to sleep. Pretended to be asleep until put back into bed, then cried some more. Only fell asleep while being held by mother. Woke up for real at 6:45am. Mother stumbled back into bed, thinking about what a sweet little angel she has.

We'll see how the rest of the day goes.


The rest of the day wasn't too bad. No long sleeps, but BB was okay and not too whiny. The night, however, was another story:

Once again, just as we were getting into bed, BB wakes up and whines for the next 15 minutes as the dad is trying to put him back to sleep. 12:30am, he wakes up again and I feed him and put him back to sleep. 2:45am he wakes up AGAIN and it takes about an hour for him to go back to sleep. And then up for good at 6:20am.

It would be really nice if he would sleep tonight.

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