Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bad Baby on a Bus (and other stuff)

For a long, long time, I have not been very fond of travelling on buses. Something about not being too sure where it's really going to go, combined with potentially having to talk to another human, just makes me a little nervous. So we go by train. But of course, in the last couple of weeks there has been trackwork in our area, so the trains are replaced by buses. I had to go down to Kiama to see the aunty and cousins, so I decided to brave the bus (after assurances from the aunty that the bus drivers are really nice and helpful). Bad Baby has done okay on the train, but the bus is a little more confined. And BB is not a fan of being stuck in small places. 

We got on the bus, and the driver was very helpful in putting the stroller underneath the bus so I didn't have to carry it on and fit it who knows where. BB had great fun looking out the window, then eating his snack, then playing with his lego truck. 

We went to playgroup with the cousins, then back to their house. Loo had a rare moment of kindness towards BB and gave him a nice pat on the head (rather than a smack). I asked him, "do you like Bad Baby?" and he answered, "no... I love him." Awwww. If only he could remember that later. BB took a nap in his stroller while the other boys played lego and I definitely did not cut out paper dolls or do a puzzle.

The other boys had to meet their friend and do some scooting, so we went with them for a little while before walking back to get the bus. I also definitely did not leave my wallet on top of the aunty's car.

Loo: I'm so sad that BB is sitting in my seat.
BB: Hehehe I'm sitting in Loo's seat.
We caught the bus back and the dad picked us up and took us home. BB was a little more feisty on this trip, but all in all, it turned out okay.

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