Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day - Part 1

Christmas morning was bright and sunny and warm, which is a change from what it has been the past couple of years. The aunties and uncles went home the night before, so it was just us and Grandma and Granddad. We ate delicious pancakes for breakfast (made by me) and then looked at what Santa had put in our stockings. Yes, I'm 29 years old and Santa still visits me. I see nothing wrong with that. Because I like chocolate.

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At one point BB was playing near the door to the balcony and his dad went outside. Then he just sat there for a while watching him with a forlorn look on his face. It was pretty funny (for me, not for BB).

Dad? Where are you going?
A bit later on we tried the pool again. This time we filled up the baby pool with a bit of water in the hope that it would be warmer than the big pool. BB liked it for a very short time, but then decided once again that he had had enough and wanted to get out.

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