Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day - Part 2

After lunch we all got dressed in our nice Christmas outfits and went for a drive to my aunt and uncle's house. They live in an area called the Southern Highlands, about 1 hour's drive west of Berry. The drive is not very nice for my stomach because it involves a lot of curvy roads. 

BB has been doing some very nice standing work. He will sometimes attempt to stand on his own for a couple of seconds. Although usually it's when he is distracted by playing with a toy and doesn't realise that he is on his own. 

And the elf outfit still fits, nearly two months after I bought it. 
In typical dad fashion, he looked after the baby while drinking a glass of wine. Dinner was delicious and everybody ate way too much. Except me of course. 

My uncle has some sheep in a paddock near the house, and there was a little lamb in there. It's hard to tell from the photo, but way in the back there are some sheep on the left and the dad to the right of them, running around trying to catch the lamb.

And he did!

The Bad Baby liked the lamb. Probably wanted to eat it for dinner. He was making little quiet noises that sounded like 'dee-dee-dee' as he reached out for it. The lamb didn't do too badly. 

We left when it was time for BB to go to bed, and drove back to our house. It was slightly foggy. 

And so, Christmas was over for another year (sniff sniff). Next year we are DEFINITELY getting a tree, no matter what the Grinch (aka dad) says. 

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