Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bad Elf

 About a month ago, I found the most excellent elf ears for the Bad Baby to wear for our Christmas card this year. I went and bought a little suit for him to wear to complete the outfit. In the store he didn't seem to mind wearing the ears. However, it all went downhill from there...

Testing... still not too bad.

Yep, he hates them. 

Let's try a change of scenery. So far so good...

Would this be considered abuse? 
He hates them so much that he would start crying and backing away from me if I came near him to put them on again. I even tried a different kind of ears that I found days later. No luck though.

Needless to say, our Christmas card had a screaming elf on it. The elf ears got put away for a while. I sent the cards, everyone got them and loved how hilarious we are. 

Today, as I was getting out the Christmas decorations to put up (much to the horror of the Christmas grinch, aka dad), I found the ears again. So I thought I would see what happened this time. And surprise, surprise, the Bad Baby decided he was fine with the ears now!

I love the ears! Except when you want a nice photo for a Christmas card!

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