Thursday, December 1, 2011

Swimming lessons

We've been doing swimming lessons for a couple of weeks now. Unfortunately I don't have any photos, because I have to get in the pool with the Bad Baby. The dad has come to watch, but he got a video instead of a photo, because apparently his life doesn't revolve around this blog. Anyway, the first lesson was a bit of a disaster. BB cried from the moment his toe touched the water until he got out. I thought I would try one more time and if it was the same, then we would quit. But thankfully, the second lesson was much more fun. Except for when the mean lady (teacher) put water over his head. He got over it though. He likes to splash and stuff. During today's lesson, he almost had his first kiss with a girl baby. He's growing up so fast...

Hopefully I'll get someone to take photos at some point. Or work out how to get a still from the video.

Oh, and it's also December. Time to get BB an advent calendar. I guess I'll sacrifice myself and eat the chocolates from it because they would probably make him sick or something.

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