Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A story in photos

While Aunty Von got her hair done (she's so fancy), Grandma and I looked after the 3 boys. It was a very rainy day, as it has been all week, so we spent a lot of time in the library. Guess who was crawling like a mad man trying to get books to pull off shelves? Of course it was that Bad Baby of mine. Thankfully the rain stopped in time for us to have some fun at the park. 

Me: Can I take your photo?
Loo: No, loo can't.
Me: Well, that's too bad.

Bad Baby: I'm very sad and lonely in my rain-cage.

Picey (in the yellow raincoat): Ready or not, here I come!
*Note Grandma and Loo beside the tree

I think he found them...

Loo: One, two, nine, twenty, seven...

Loo: Found la!
We went home for some baths, and a delicious burrito dinner.

BB: I'm in a towel! And I love having a bath!

BB: I am sooooo sleepy. 
What an exciting day.

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