Wednesday, November 9, 2011


It's starting to seem like I post the same thing over and over again. Maybe that's because I do the same thing over and over again. Only this time, we caught the train!
Seriously? You're making me wear this hat again?
Our trip was nicely timed so that BB could have a sleep on the train. I assumed the gentle rocking would lull him to sleep. It did, in the last 5 minutes of a 50 minute trip.

Oh, you thought I was going to sleep?

So I got off the train with a sleeping boy and met the cousins, aunty, and Grandma. I had to keep Picey and Loo away because they are very very loud. And they love to look at BB and climb on his stroller. We had lunch, then went down to the park next to the beach. Grandma looked after BB while I took Picey down to test the water. It was a really hot day and the water looked very inviting, but alas, it didn't feel as inviting as it looked. I would describe it as bitterly cold. I sure hope it warms up a bit before the summer, or BB will probably look the same as I did many years ago on one of my first trips to the beach:

After the beach we went back to the cousins' house, where BB had what appears to be a showdown with their cat. The cat retaliated by chasing a bird in the window. It flew around for a minute or two before the brave aunty managed to get it in a towel and take it outside. It sure is unfortunate I don't have any photos of that incident. I was doing my best to protect my poor fragile son from the bird. Either that or I was scared of it and using him as an excuse. 

An eventful day.

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