Sunday, November 6, 2011

Neighbourhood walk

I still hadn't walked around Wollongong harbour, so while the dad was away at baseball, I took BB and off we went. It was probably the hottest day this spring so far, and there were lots of people swimming at the beach. A little way south of the nice harbour is what is known as the 'Outer harbour', where the steelworks are. The dad hates the steelworks with a passion because apparently the view is always ruined by them. He doesn't realise that all you have to do is not look over there!

Beach from above at the lighthouse.

And the real view, complete with lovely steelworks in the background

Yep, he got the mole gene alright.
Maybe if I eat the hat she won't make me wear it again...

Back toward the land (with no steelworks).

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