Friday, November 18, 2011

Fish and chips

Today I went down to the harbour twice. The first time was just with a mole-y* Bad Baby to play in the park next to the water. There's a pirate ship and all sorts of wonderful things to play on, but BB mostly just likes 1) standing and 2) trying to eat rocks.

I think this hat is much better. See, I'm actually keeping it on my head!
 The second time was with the dad as well as Aunty Ash. We met here for some fish and chips. I don't really like fish, so I got a burger. Some people seem to think that Australian burgers aren't any good. But I like them. I like American burgers too. The dad thought that this was the best fish and chips he's had since we arrived. Sadly I didn't get a photo of his dinner. Nor did I get a photo of the 6 little containers of ketchup that he bought**. Only 3 of them got eaten, so he put the rest in the bottom of the stroller and then later found them squished. I love walking along with BB in the stroller and getting a lovely whiff of ketchup every couple of minutes.
Mmm delicious Aussie burger complete with pineapple :D and a bottle of Lift. What a dinner.

*mole-y refers to the fact that he seems to take after his mother in the squinting department. I can't leave the house without my sunglasses or I spend the whole time looking like a poor mole in the sunshine.
**Australia doesn't have some of the free stuff that America has. This usually includes ketchup and drink refills.

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