Sunday, November 20, 2011

Old Friends

The family went up to Cronulla today to visit some old friends. When I say 'old', I don't actually mean they are old, I mean they are friends from a long time ago. First there was a friend from my college days in North Carolina. The Bad Baby let her hold him for a while, and she had really fun earrings to play with. Thankfully he didn't rip them out of her ear. It was great to catch up and talk about what upstanding young citizens we were during college. 

I have no idea what he is doing in this photo. Trying not to listen to me, maybe?
Then we walked down to a park to meet some of my high school friends from before we moved to America waaaaay back in 1999. BB enjoyed himself - not sleeping, screaming a lot, generally being very Bad. His dad looked after him a lot so that I could spend some time with my friends. Which is why he is holding a beer bottle and covered in dirt. I ate a lot of chocolate and chips. It was fun.

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