Friday, November 25, 2011

9 month old Bad Baby!

It's Bad Baby's 3/4 birthday! To celebrate, he made it really hard for me to get a good photo. It took a couple of attempts. 

Finally a good one! (and yes, the corner of the paper was indeed bitten off)
And for old-time's sake, since he's been out for 9 months, I thought I would post what he looked like at 9 months in!

I'm going to try and start writing down some of the things that BB does/likes/doesn't like etc. every month. So here goes...

Things BB likes:
- frantically trying to eat shards of wood, plastic, rocks, anything
- his book 'Where is the green sheep?'
- the washing machine
- electrical cords
- the television

Things BB is scared of:
- people looking at him
- me wearing a jacket with a hood
- toys rolling too far away
- the vacuum (might be getting over this one)

Things that make BB sad:
- anything scary (see list above)
- Dad leaving in the morning, or any time
- me taking away fun things like electrical cords, books, etc.

Things BB can do:
- stand up while holding on to such things as oven doors, drawers, rolling carts, fireplaces, pretty much            anything dangerous
- clap
- growl
- walk while pushing a wagon
- bang cupboard doors open and shut
- find his paci/dummy wherever I've put it

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