Monday, November 28, 2011

An eventful Thanksgiving

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the dad and I decided to have our own Australian Thanksgiving. We made these delicious turkey burgers and harvest potatoes, and my family brought a salad and an apple pie.
Usually the dad does most of the cooking for us, especially when it comes to meat. I do the baking and vegetables and things like that. On a side note, the dad loves his knives. He is always sharpening them, complaining about my lack of knife skills, complaining about my mum's lack of sharp knives, etc. So the dad was chopping some parsley for the burgers, when I hear, "Umm, I think I did something bad." I was in the other room so my first thought is that he let the baby get into something he wasn't supposed to. But no, I walk in and see the dad holding a very bloody paper towel to his finger. I dared to look at what had happened and now kind of wish I hadn't. He had sliced off part of a nail and the front tip of his finger. It wasn't horrible, but bad enough that he had to go to the medical center and may never have a full nail again. We did find the sliced-off part afterwards, and took some photos. They're pretty gross looking, so I won't post them here. 

Thankfully, I managed to get all the rest of the cooking done (even the meat part) while he was getting fixed and the rest of the dinner was a hit. Everyone loved the burgers and potatoes, and the apple pie was delicious.

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