Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Weekend in the Country

For our first weekend here, we all went down to the holiday/vacation house, aka the southern house. The weather was really nice, which hindered my efforts to convince the dad that winter here is actually cold. We had some yummy lunches and yummy coffee (or hot chocolate). We went on a couple of walks. The men went exploring through the bush to try and find the creek but they couldn't. We got nicely woken up at 6:30am by the concrete truck coming to pour the new driveway. Hopefully all the renovations will be finished by the time we come back. We also enjoyed a nice fire in the fireplace. We went to bed early, maybe due to jetlag or maybe due to the fact that there was no TV or internet or Playstation.

Dad (or Uncle to these folks) is just too funny-looking to turn away from.

The funnest (or most fun) walk ever!

I thought we left summer in Dallas. Apparently not. 
Sorry BB, no babycino yet. 
What is behind me that is scaring him so badly?

I'm just chillin' with my dad. And there seems to be something funny going on with my feet.

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