Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Adventure Begins!

The Bad Baby finally arrived in Sydney. His grandparents were there to meet us at the airport, along with his Aunty and cousins. Cousin #1 (4 1/2), who we'll call Picey*, made us a beautiful Welcome Home poster. Cousin #2 (almost 2), and let's call him Loo**, asked 'what is that?' when he saw BB. He also was very worried about BB sitting in his carseat. I'm sure they'll be great friends eventually. 

The jetlag wasn't as bad as I had feared. Although we did spend 3 or 4 nights with a baby who was ready to play when he woke up at 3am and parents who definitely weren't.

*Pronounced like pie-see. When he was younger, he had a bit of trouble with things like sp, sl, and sn at the beginning of words. So if something was hot, it was 'picey'. There was also a 'no-man' and he never wanted to go to 'shweep'. 
**Has a little trouble with the y. It's 'can loo help me?', 'where have loo been?', and 'there loo are!'. 

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