Sunday, August 21, 2011

Birthday Boy

No, BB isn't one yet. His cousin Loo turned 2 today! He had a wonderful party complete with an Aussie barbie. And no, there weren't any shrimp, just sausages. They're mostly called prawns here anyway. Getting back to the story...

The cousins have a park right near there house so all the kids brought their scooters (or strollers) for some scooting fun. BB couldn't have any cake, but he did get a delicious cup!

One of Loo's favorite presents (from Aunty Ash, his second favorite Aunty, of course) was a 'kateboard'. He did not want to put it down ever. In fact his mother told us later that he even wanted to sleep with it. He can't really ride it so well yet, so he just carries it around.

And makes everyone else jealous...

His present from his most favorite Aunty (i.e. me) was a Spiderman costume, complete with muscles. It was quite amusing.

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