Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A walk around the harbour

 Today we went for a short walk around Sydney harbour. There are so many little paths and places to walk. This is a walk we've done many times before, but it's still great. I've started a map of all the places we go walking. This was the Bad Baby's first time in the Ergo. It can go on the front or the back, but the dad prefers the back. To me it looks a bit scary, and BB's head did flop back and forth a little, but he seemed to like it anyway.

We tried for a while to balance the camera on a rock or tree limb to take a photo of all of us, but it just wasn't right. Maybe I need to learn how to photoshop us all into the same one. Or I could use my skills in Paint to draw myself in there. I would upload a sample of my excellent work, but unfortunately it's all on our old computer which is a) not here yet, and b) not working. 

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