Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bad Dad?

As well as beer and wine, BB's dad also likes to rot his brain with... 

video games! 

I'm sure in the future I'll have to deal with many, many requests for Playstations or Nintendos or whatever new-fangled contraption they will have come up with by then, but I had thought that I was safe for at least a little while!

Funny story: Picey was at Grandma's house and BB's dad (Picey's uncle) was playing some kind of car racing game. Picey wanted to play so the dad taught him how. They were occupied for a while until Picey's mum said it was time for bed. He whined and stalled for a while until she meant business, at which time he went over and punched her in the leg. 

See, video games are BAD. And we all know BB doesn't need any help in that department. 

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