Saturday, August 20, 2011

Moving South

We have finally moved to our 'own' house down south of Sydney. It's a little out of the way/in the country, but it does have this view:

so I guess that makes up for it. We'll be staying there until the dad gets a job and we move into a house that actually is ours. 
As you can see, there's lots of construction going on around the house and it gets pretty muddy. We decided that we needed some (what we in Australia call) gumboots. We're real fancy.

That's the driveway going off to the right. It's a little scary to drive over the edge. This is what it looks like from down below:

Since it's still winter and a little chilly, we had a delicious fire in the fireplace. Aaaand of course we had to christen the new house, right?

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