Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Grandma and I went to visit the cousins (and Aunty) today. They live in a town called Kiama, south of Sydney but north of the southern house. We got some sandwiches for lunch and ate them in the park. They enjoyed BB's stroller.
Mum? I don't know what these things are,
but they don't look so friendly.
Next we had to get the obligatory coffee. Grandma can't really survive without one. And obviously, she starts training the children pretty young:

And for old times' sake, here's a picture of Picey when he was exactly one day older than Loo in the last photo (3 days after his 2nd birthday, Loo was 2 days after). Such concentration. We can only hope that BB will be as dextrous as the other two. Although with my genes, that may be wishful thinking.

We finished up the day with a (very) short attempt at some fun on the trampoline. Just for future reference, taking a baby on a trampoline with a 2 year old boy and a 4 year old boy is probably not the safest idea.

*Note - the kids are not actually drinking coffee. It's a drink known as a babycino - just steamed milk.

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