Wednesday, January 25, 2012

11 month old Bad Baby!

OMG!!! This is so much FUN!!!
Yes, the sign gets smaller and further away the older he gets.
Things BB likes:
- balloons
- balls
- his dad
- the outside
- bottles of water

Things BB can do:
- almost walk
- throw his head back and cry if we take away one of the things in the list above
- say 'ba' (aka bird... or ball... or several other things)
- drop his food on the floor while looking at me and smiling
- feed himself with a spoon (if I put the food on and hand it to him... but that still counts, right?)

Things BB doesn't like:
- sand
- being near sand
- looking at sand
- loud noises
- being sat on/kicked/used as a surfboard by his cousin

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