Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bad Baby on a Train (and other stuff)

It had been a while since we went down to visit the cousins, so we caught the train down to Kiama for the day. I let BB out of his stroller to look/crawl around on the seat. He didn't have any shoes one because his one pair is a little too small, so he couldn't walk around on the floor (I'm not too concerned with germs, but the train floor is past even my limit). So I spent the whole trip (45 minutes, seemed like 3 hours) trying to keep BB on the seat. He was enjoying himself. Me, not so much.
Wow, Mum, this is awesome!

Oooooooh. So pretty. 
A couple of the cousins' friends were over and they were all playing dress-up. Sadly, BB did not want to participate.

Duck-transformer man? Who knows.

Way too quick pulling the wig off for me to get a photo.
Picey modeled his new school uniform. Only 3 weeks until he starts Kindergarten!

All grown up.

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