Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Bad Haircut for a Bad Baby

Last night I got fed up with BB's hair covering his eyes and almost turning into a mullet. So I used my excellent hairdressing skills to give him a haircut. I'd have to say that it didn't work out that well. I would describe the result as 'bowl-ish'. But I'm learning. I'm sure I'll do better next time. If the dad lets there be a next time. 

Oh. That's what I look like. Thanks Mum.

I don't really know why, but for some reason I let BB out on the balcony for a while. He ended up with black knees and feet because it is so dirty, and black hands because of the plants. Wonderful.

Ooooh I finally get to go outside!
I'll just do some helpful gardening.

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