Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day

Yet another nice hot day. These good days are a welcome change from the pretend summer of a week ago (rain and not warm at all). So we went up to explore the area behind where we live, called Mt. Keira. There are lots of walks to do up there, but we didn't have much time so we just did part of one (an hour or so). It was through a rainforesty kind of area, so it was shady and cool. We saw and heard some birds, and at one point the dad said that he heard 'what sounded like breathing' coming from the bushes next to us. Thankfully, no scary animals came after us. Not that there is anything scary here apart from spiders and snakes. 

I should pretty much be a model, right?
After the walk we drove just a little way further up the 'mountain' to a lookout. It was a great view up and down the coast.

I can see our house from here! (I really can)
In the afternoon we decided to try out the beach again. BB started whining as soon as I stepped onto the sand (while holding him). He stayed on the mat again in the tent, and wouldn't even venture off to get the sunglasses I left just a couples of inches out of his reach. At one point he tumbled over and fell onto the sand, which was not BB's favorite thing. Oh well, we'll keep trying!
Why are you putting me through this torture again?!?

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