Friday, January 20, 2012

Sydney and a spider

On Wednesday Aunty Von picked us up and we all went up to Sydney to stay at Grandma's house. On the way, we stopped at the most wonderful place in the world - Ikea!! After spending a total of three hours there, we started what is supposed to be a half-hour drive back to Grandma's house. One and a half hours later, we finally got there. So much fun. 

Yesterday we went into the city for coffee, lunch, and a stop by the art gallery. We took the ferry, which Picey said afterwards was his favorite part of the day: 

Such beautiful hair blowing in the wind.
I'm a pitty cool guy.

We bought some sandwiches and ate lunch in Hyde Park. BB had so much fun chasing the birds. Thankfully he didn't manage to catch any. And also thankfully, they didn't manage to catch him.
Ibis (creepy birds that I was always scared of)
Picey had my camera for a while after lunch and took a bunch of photos. Some of them weren't too bad.

Fountain in the middle of the park.
Apparently he'll pose for his brother but not his aunty... 
After lunch Aunty Von took Picey to the art gallery while the rest of us went to the Botanic Gardens to walk around and play for a bit. BB was supposed to go to sleep, but he was being very bad and just wanted to stay awake. 

I'm so tired I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with these. 

That's a pathway, not a road. I'm not that neglectful.

I remembered! It's delicious!
 Later that night, BB and the cousins had gone to bed and Grandma, Granddad, and Aunty Von had all gone out. So I was left at home alone to fend for myself. It was fine until I moved my bag to get my pjs and this is what ran out: 

 It's called a huntsman. It's not really dangerous but it will bite, and it can move like the wind. So I was extremely proud of myself for catching it. Crisis averted. 

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