Saturday, January 7, 2012

Another attempt at the beach

Even though BB hates the sand with a fiery passion, we took him to the beach again. This time, we kept him occupied with food. For a while. I moved the mat on the ground so that the sand was closer and closer to his feet. He seemed fine with that. But as soon as I moved it away enough so that his feet actually touched the sand, that was it. Silly Baby. We're going to keep trying. 

Mmm delicious snack.

What is that over there? 

I'm fine, see?

You didn't tell me it was SAND!
BB's favorite new game is 'taking things out'. That includes our files in the file cabinet, books on the bookshelf, bowls and bibs in the kitchen, his clothes, and pretty much anything else he can get his hands on. I'm looking forward to the day when his favorite game is 'putting things back in'.

All that mess? No, that wasn't me,
I've been right here reading the whole time. I promise. 

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