Thursday, April 19, 2012

Walking with sticks

A couple of weekends ago it was a beautiful day so we set out for a walk. There is a lot of bushland relatively near where we live, but we don't really know what walks there are. I googled some and found one called the Wodi-Wodi track. It looked good, however one page I looked at said '2 hours, hard' and one said '3 hours, medium'. Does that mean that some people make it harder by going faster? I have no idea. But we went anyway, thinking that we would probably not do the whole thing. It was only about a 15 minute drive north of where we live. We parked on the side of the highway and started off on a little track that led up some stairs away from the road. Right after we started, we passed a couple of people coming the other way. As they passed us, one of them said, 'Good luck' in a way that didn't really mean 'good luck' but more 'I highly doubt you will enjoy this/get anywhere.' Interesting. We kept going and walked for about 30 minutes up the track. The first part was in scrub-ish land near the ocean, and then it went up into the gum trees. It was a really nice walk but we ended up turning around because BB had to sleep/we needed food. 

Scrub land in the beginning
In the gum trees
Daddy and baby with their walking sticks*
View through the trees down to the beach below
I definitely want to go back and do the whole thing. If it stops raining at some point this year, maybe we will. And maybe we will find out why we were wished 'good luck'.

This walk spurred me into action to buy this book about walking in our area. My parents have this one which is about the area down near their holiday house and that's where we learned about some of the walks we've done (Drawing Room Rocks, Ben's walk).

*About 2 minutes after this photo was taken, the dad threw his stick off the side of the path. Four seconds after that, BB did too. 

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