Tuesday, April 17, 2012


For Easter Sunday we went down to Aunty Von's house for lunch and an Easter egg hunt. Here in Australia, most people hide real eggs. And by 'real eggs' I mean real chocolate eggs, not actual real eggs that you fry up and eat (like some people thought when I said that). The plastic kind that you put candy in don't really exist here. People just eat chocolate eggs and bunnies and other delicious chocolate things. So anyway, we all had a bucket to put our eggs in. Mine was big because I wanted lots of eggs. And I found lots of eggs (see photo below). I was only made fun of a little for taking the chocolate away from the children. They don't need much though. I was saving them from feeling very ill. Or something like that.

Waiting for the signal to begin the hunt

I'll take that, thank you very much.
Quick, run BB, or your mother might steal your egg.
Where can I hide this thing? And how do I open it?
Mmm delicious.

My Easter stash. 

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