Monday, April 16, 2012

Update on BB

The Bad Baby is... 


(actually he's nearly 14 months old, but who's counting?)

He can: 

... push baby in the stroller...
... help his mother with the chores... 
destroy neatly organised drawers...
... eat a large amount of sand (yes, it's one of his favorite things now)...

... and perform a number of spells. 

He likes to walk around a lot. The other day we went on a walk WITHOUT THE STROLLER. What an adventure. It was only around the block, but it did take about 45 minutes. There were a lot of sticks/pieces of rubbish/bugs that had to be investigated. 

Some words he can say are bird, ball, mama, dada, dummy, hot, and many others that we can't understand but I'm sure would like us to. He understands a lot more than he can say, and will sometimes do what we ask him to do. Other times he looks at us, smiles, and does exactly the opposite. 

What a bad, bad baby. 

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