Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Walk to Minnamurra Falls

Today I went with Aunty Von and Loo on a walk up to Minnamurra Falls. It was much easier than I remembered. I've been on this walk three times before, and each time I thought I wasn't going to make it to the top. But this time was very easy. I guess I'm just way fitter than I was before. Or something like that. And I was carrying a Bad Baby. He was craning his neck (and whole body) round to see Loo pretty much the whole time. Thankfully I didn't drop him. It's a really nice walk through (I think) the only piece of rainforest left in the area. We saw a couple of lyrebirds, but they were just making normal bird noises. Loo had a slight(ly horrible) fall as he was running down the path at the end of the walk, and this resulted in a bloody lip and chin. He was a sad, sad boy.

Where's that funny kid?

Can I go in there? Pleeease?

Loo: "I will not look at the camera if that other baby is there."

Ok, he's gone now.

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