Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fun at the park

One of the things I'm really looking forward to as Bad Baby grows up (as long as he's not too bad) is taking him to the park. I have so many good memories of playing in parks when I was young. And some really scary memories when my dad was pretending to be Frankenstein. But enough about that. We've been to the park a couple of times and BB loves the swing and anything that can help him stand up. I personally prefer parks like the first two photos below, because they don't require as much brushing off of wood chips as parks like the past two photos.

Can you please tell everyone that you're making me wear this hat? It's not cool at all.

And it really looks like I'm wearing a complete denim outfit, which is really not the case.

Ahh, man jeggings. Much better.

Look Ma, only one hand!

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