Friday, September 30, 2011

Lots of big-boy sitting up

BB is doing some great sitting up lately. I never realized how much easier it would be to do things such as go out to a restaurant or grocery shopping when he could sit up.

Sitting in a high chair = no longer having to eat with one hand while trying to keep plates, cups, knives, forks, etc out of reach... no longer having to worry about spilling hot (or cold) things on my lap/BB... able to put toys on a tray so I only have to pick them up once every 20 seconds instead of once every 2 seconds.

Sitting in a grocery cart = being able to bend down and get things from the bottom shelf without worrying about overbalancing due to BB in front pack... not worrying about BB puking down the front pack and me not noticing (and having random stranger tell me about it)...

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