Thursday, September 22, 2011

Walking again

Today we did Ben's Walk (named after some guy called Ben, I assume). It wasn't too long, only about an hour and a half, and not too strenuous. The dad carried BB in the Ergo on his back for the first part. I got a bit worried that a stick might poke him in the eye, so he switched to the front. It was great weather for a walk. We tried to find some alleged Aboriginal rock paintings that were on a little side track, but after spending time scrambling up a cliff* and through the bush, we couldn't find them.

A really spooky cave. 

Enormous wombat hole. Thankfully no wombats chased us.

Family photo using the magic of the self-timer. 

Fording the river.

Through the chasm.

View out from the chasm.
 *'Cliff' and 'gentle slope with some rocks' could be used interchangeably here

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