Monday, May 30, 2011

Bad Baby in Boston - Day 2

Today we took the train to Cambridge to visit Harvard (or Hahvahd, if you're from Boston/Australia). We had a delicious breakfast, with eggs and bacon for Dad but without hot chocolate for me, unfortunately. After breakfast we happened on a tour run by students that was just about to start, so we joined in. It was very interesting and funny. There were even Harry Potter references.

Some Harvard building that I can't remember the name of. 
For lunch, we went back to Little Italy where there was a place that has a good lobster roll for Dad. Here it is in all its glory:

And here is BB sitting in the booth:
Where's my lobstah roll?
 After the late lunch (with no fires, thankfully), we went back to the hotel for a rest. We let BB have a turn sleeping in our bed, because he had to sleep on the floor at night.

Back on the train to find some dinner later on. Dad tried out the Ergo for the first time. I can't tell if he hates it or if he's just allergic to smiling in photos.

We had some pizza and ice-cream in Cambridge and then found a nice little park-ish thing to give BB his dinner. And there was a rabbit.

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