Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bad Baby in Boston - Day 1

Our day in Boston started with some breakfast. BB was in his new big boy stroller for the first time. At first he was enjoying himself:
This new stroller is awesome!
But then we thought that it was time for him to have a sleep, so we wrapped him up. He wasn't too thrilled about it:
Wait, what happened? I thought we were having fun!
 After breakfast, we started walking along the 'Freedom Trail'. We saw lots of historical-type things. Then we came across this donkey. Unfortunately we thought that it might be a little too mean to unwrap the baby and make him ride it.
Umm, Dad? I think maybe we should go the other way.
 We sat down for a nice lunch in Little Italy. We were almost finished when we had to leave because the building was on fire. Dad ran back into the building to save the pacifier.

After that excitement, we decided to go and visit Fenway Park, just like Dad had always dreamed of. BB got a little sad and hungry, so we had to leave before the end of the tour so that he could eat.
Ok, I'm done with this now.
We ate some Thai food in Chinatown for dinner and then went back to the hotel for an early night.

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