Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bad Baby in Boston - Day 3

Today we walked through the Public Garden in the morning. We definitely didn't eat McDonald's for breakfast because that would be gross.  

I promise I'll be good if you get me out... please???

Hmm, on second thought, maybe I'm a little tired. 

Will 'baby riding on animal statues' ever stop being funny?
 After the park we went to Charlestown/Bunker Hill to walk around (as usual). We walked around the Navy yard and saw some boats. There were way too many people to go and look inside the famous USS Constitution so we just stood behind the fence.
Old Ironsides and Sleepy Baby

Yes, I believe Boston is a rather suitable city for a weekend vacation. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bad Baby in Boston - Day 2

Today we took the train to Cambridge to visit Harvard (or Hahvahd, if you're from Boston/Australia). We had a delicious breakfast, with eggs and bacon for Dad but without hot chocolate for me, unfortunately. After breakfast we happened on a tour run by students that was just about to start, so we joined in. It was very interesting and funny. There were even Harry Potter references.

Some Harvard building that I can't remember the name of. 
For lunch, we went back to Little Italy where there was a place that has a good lobster roll for Dad. Here it is in all its glory:

And here is BB sitting in the booth:
Where's my lobstah roll?
 After the late lunch (with no fires, thankfully), we went back to the hotel for a rest. We let BB have a turn sleeping in our bed, because he had to sleep on the floor at night.

Back on the train to find some dinner later on. Dad tried out the Ergo for the first time. I can't tell if he hates it or if he's just allergic to smiling in photos.

We had some pizza and ice-cream in Cambridge and then found a nice little park-ish thing to give BB his dinner. And there was a rabbit.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bad Baby in Boston - Day 1

Our day in Boston started with some breakfast. BB was in his new big boy stroller for the first time. At first he was enjoying himself:
This new stroller is awesome!
But then we thought that it was time for him to have a sleep, so we wrapped him up. He wasn't too thrilled about it:
Wait, what happened? I thought we were having fun!
 After breakfast, we started walking along the 'Freedom Trail'. We saw lots of historical-type things. Then we came across this donkey. Unfortunately we thought that it might be a little too mean to unwrap the baby and make him ride it.
Umm, Dad? I think maybe we should go the other way.
 We sat down for a nice lunch in Little Italy. We were almost finished when we had to leave because the building was on fire. Dad ran back into the building to save the pacifier.

After that excitement, we decided to go and visit Fenway Park, just like Dad had always dreamed of. BB got a little sad and hungry, so we had to leave before the end of the tour so that he could eat.
Ok, I'm done with this now.
We ate some Thai food in Chinatown for dinner and then went back to the hotel for an early night.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bad Baby Goes on a Plane

Today was BB's first ever time on a plane. He was happy for a little while (just playing with his hands) and then he was very screamy for a little while. That wasn't too much fun. But then he went to sleep for a long time. Not so good for my arm but great for my sanity.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Adventures with Aunty Ash

Well, we've done a whole lot of shopping. Today we also went to my old school to say goodbye before the end of the year. Then we went to one of our old favorites to get some delicious treats. Aunty Ash seemed to enjoy them.

A rare photo of a mum and a baby

Mmmm... cookies and cherry limeade!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another visitor!

Who is that raven-haired beauty?!?

Oh, it's Aunty Ash! And she's wearing a lovely cape!

 We're going to have a lovely time with Aunty Ash here. Today we went shopping. Then tomorrow we're going shopping. And on Thursday, I think we're going shopping again!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Cutest Bad Baby

BB likes to sit up on the couch. He's pretty much the cutest thing ever. Although I guess I may be a little biased. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bad Baby Goes Swimming

Aunt Christa took the BB swimming today. It was in the hot tub, so he was nice and warm. For a little while. Then he decided that it really wasn't for him. 

This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sleeping in stroller: Attempt #2

Today we went to the mall to walk around. I decided that since BB gets wrapped up when he is sleeping at home, I would try it in the stroller too. So how did it turn out? 


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Another new plan

For the past week or two, we've been working on getting BB to sleep in his bed during the day rather than on the couch (which he is too big for) or on me (which he is too sweaty for). So far it's going rather well. He doesn't cry too much, and when he makes noises and I go in there, he usually looks like this:

I'm not sure I really like this whole 'sleeping in bed' thing. 

Holding toys!

Here we have the BB practicing holding up toys. It's lucky I'm quick with the camera, because the holding only lasts, oh, maybe half a second before they are dropped onto his face. We'll keep practicing. 

I am working REALLY HARD at this.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sleeping in stroller: Attempt #1

I took BB on a walk today. He never seems to be able to go to sleep in his stroller, even though it's sleep time and he would be asleep in one second if we were in the car. So I thought a nice smooth long walk would do the trick. Unfortunately, it went from this: 

to this: 

approximately every 10 seconds. Stopping to put the paci/dummy (depending on who is reading this, choose whichever word you like) back in kind of slowed us down. Needless to say, attempt #1 was a big failure. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Uncle Ron and a Bad Baby

Uncle Ron looks like he is having a lot of fun holding BB for the first time ever. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful new friendship.
Yeah, I guess this guy is alright. 

More fun with hands

Look, they're here when I'm lying down, too!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

From this day forth...

the BB is interested in nothing but his own hands and/or feet. 

Oooh, hands!

Hey, it's still there!

These are the funnest things ever in the world!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A new discovery

Hold it, hold it, I think I've found something...

What are these things? I guess they must be new cause
I've never noticed them before!

Bad Monkey

That Bad Baby has already been teaching his evil ways to his friend Monkey! Grandma brought us some delicious chocolate eggs. I guess since the baby doesn't know how to move his hands apart from flailing wildly, he has recruited the monkey to steal some of the eggs. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Finally... a real smile?!?

And here it is!! Even though it's a little blurry. 

I'm so amused by you!

Ok I'm done with this posing crap. 

Grandma's here again!

This lady is very scary and I'm so sad. 

I'm still scared so I guess I'll just suck on my hand. 

Ok, I'm used to her now. I'll participate in photo-taking.