Friday, February 10, 2012

Some Friendly Visitors - Part 2

After all the regular spots, we ventured out to some new and exciting places. Even though the weather was mostly bad, it did fine up enough each day for us to do a little bit of activity. On Wednesday, we went down a little further south to Hyams Beach, in Jervis Bay. It's apparently one of the whitest sand beaches in the world (like anyone can even know that). All the boys went swimming, and all the girls huddled under the sunshade-that-was-actually-a-coldshade.

What lovely swimming weather
They've left me here on this stuff AGAIN
Hmm maybe it's not so bad. Or I'm just a sand connoisseur.

I don't really love this so much.

The next day we went on a walk that we did about 4 years ago. Back then, there was no pathway and we were walking in knee-high (and sometimes waist-high) grass, lantana, and other spiky things. We were also walking on private land, so we had to climb over or under barbed wire fences. Now it's a real walk that has signs and everything. We left a car at each end, so we only had to walk from Kiama to Gerringong and then drive back. The only problem was that due to the rain/tides, the lagoon at the end was a little deep. So we took off what clothing we could without being indecent, and waded across. BB almost ended up in the water, but the dad saved the day by not falling over. 

Looking good, boys

A comfortable sleeping position?  

The lagoon. It's a lot deeper than it looks. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Some Friendly Visitors (not the spider kind) - Part 1

Our friends came to visit from Dallas this week. Even though it was rainy, rainy, rainy (except for the day they arrived), we had lots of fun showing them all around. For the first couple of days, we mainly did things that we have done before - catching a ferry over the harbour into the city, walking to Drawing Room Rocks, walking around Kiama. 
Sleepy baby on the way to the airport

On the ferry over to the city 

Eating lunch in a funny chair
In cold and windy Kiama

Delicious dinner... that the dad is apparently extremely excited about
Aunty Tina reading BB a story

About to go on a very, very wet walk to Drawing Room Rocks
... and we won't even mention the leeches... or the fact that we couldn't see anything when we got there because of the fog...
I really can't tell if BB is crying or laughing.
Either way, it's probably due to something his dad did.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

BB in the Bath

Why did you take away my container? I'm so sad now. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yet another favorite new toy

Since Picey started school this week, we went down to visit Aunty Von and Loo. There were only a few incidents of Loo stealing whatever toy BB had at that moment.

A standoff. 
BB found a new favorite toy while we were there. Loo was in bed so there was no competition. 

Just out walking with my stroller...

... having fun with my dolly...

... Oh. It's you. I forgot you were taking photos.