Thursday, March 31, 2011

This is the reason

Dad is so interested in the baby, it's quite remarkable. No wonder he has to be Bad - he just wants someone to pay attention to him! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bad Baby with an Enormous Bottom Area

If I close my eyes, maybe she'll go away...
I think he's pretending to be asleep because he's so embarrassed that he's being photographed with his giant cloth diaper butt.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Bear Baby

Here is the BB in his bear suit. Or his owl suit. We don't really know, since it looks like a bear but has owl pictures on it.

So almost smiling. That's not particularly bear-like, Bad Baby.
Oh, and also, he's one month old! We survived a whole month! We've only been peed on 117 times and puked on 3,592 times. I've fed him approximately 250 times (and that one's for real). Good times.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A new hat and a sad baby

Does this mean he doesn't like the new hat I specially bought for him?
Maybe it's a little tight around his neck folds....

Sad baby
It's a little hard not to laugh sometimes when he is Sad Baby. He just looks so cute. With facial expressions like a real person. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Since I have so much spare time...

Here is a practice square before I start knitting a jumper for BB:

Pretty good for a first try, I think! Better make it in 6-month size so I have a little while to finish it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Come on, Bad Baby!

He really likes his pacifier. So why on earth would he take it out of his mouth on purpose? Maybe to see me try to put it back in 95 times an hour.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The jumper/sweater is finished!

Aunty Von has finished knitting BB's jumper. And he looks pretty cute in it, even if it is a little tricky to get on and off his head.

I'm so cute in this thing.
Ok, I'm done with it now.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Origins of the Bad Baby

See? A very BAD BABY!
Sometimes he likes to scream a lot. And sometimes Dad likes to hold him upside down and he'll stop screaming. Not this time though.

Bad Baby and a Bath

Definitely a 2-person job.

Bad Baby doesn't like being nudie.
BB isn't a fan of the cold. EVER. So bath time is a little sad. We're still working on how to do it. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bad Baby's First St. Patrick's Day

Unfortunately for his Dad, there will not be very much beer-drinking or sitting in bars. Oh, the things you have to sacrifice for your children. We did see some wonderful green outfits though. Some people should think about perhaps wearing a little more clothing to go out in public. And we saw a fa-fa with a la-la (for Bad Baby's little cousin). 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Aunty Von's here!

Aunty Von has arrived to see her first ever nephew! She helped us out a lot by introducing the pacifier/dummy so that I could not have to feed the boy every 1 hour. Turns out he just likes to suck sometimes! And she showed us a wonderful new way to swaddle that works a lot better than the old way at keeping his hands inside so they aren't FREEZING when he wakes up.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Bad Baby's Favorite Spots

On someone's lap (Dad's is quite nice).
The couch is okay too. 
BB sleeps quite a lot of the time. He likes to eat A LOT. Including in the middle of the night, which isn't too much fun for us after being used to sleeping at least 8 hours every night. He seems to be over (or getting over) the jaundice though, so that is very good.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bad Baby's first outing is...

coffee! (Who would have guessed?)

Good sleeping Bad Baby

This is where we learned that taking the whole stroller into a restaurant is perhaps a bad idea. People don't appreciate their chairs/legs being run into. Makes things a little stressful.