Monday, February 28, 2011

Time to go home

Going Home outfit may be a little too big.

And the carseat is quite large too.

Dad drove just a little slower than he normally does. And used twice as many swears at other drivers.


Grandma with her 3rd (and best) honey-bunny.

Grandad arrived just in time to see the Bad Baby arrive home.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The New Family

The new family - looking so well rested after 3 days of oh, let's say, 1 hours' sleep.

Bad Baby already refusing food... too sleeeeepy.

Introducing... the BAD Baby!

He's not so bad here I guess...
Born February 25th at 8:41pm. He was 7 lbs 9 oz and 19 3/4 inches. He was cute from the start, which is highly surprising considering where he comes from.